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About Acuerdo 

Our Story


Dan Irvine, Founder at Acuerdo Recruitment

"As a University Graduate in Modern Languages, I've always been fascinated by communication and conveying ideas.


In Spanish, acuerdo means an agreement between separate parties. It derives from the same stem as chord in English, which paints a beautiful picture to me of an orchestra reading from the same page in perfect harmony - this is how recruitment should be!

There is a popular idiom used in Latin America: El mundo cambia con tu ejemplo, no con tu opinión. We would ordinarily translate this in English as the well-known phrase: Actions speak louder than words. However, as a direct translation we would say: The world changes with your example, not with your opinion.

It was this angle that inspired the creation of Acuerdo Recruitment. Everybody can make truly impactful changes on a global scale when leading by example. We are choosing to do so via recruitment."

Our Strategy

At Acuerdo Recruitment, we understand the complexities in both hiring and retaining the very best talent in today's competitive IT & Technology sector.


We partner with clients to discuss current strategies and identify areas in which to improve. We agree upon a tailored solution which we deliver in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Our recruitment is inclusive of all key stakeholders across a business and ensures that together we make the correct decisions for you.

We know that co-operation is key to consistency, hence it is at the heart of everything we do.

Our Values


is an art

We want to hear all there is to know about our candidates and clients. In an age of monoculture, what makes your story different?


determines our decisions

We strive to meet with our network wherever possible to understand the nuances of each situation, to further build trust and to form genuine friendships.


All the above allow us to promise that we will be an extension of your brand, be that business or personal, and represent you in the market in your truest form.


is a prerequisite

During those difficult conversations where it is of paramount importance, you can rely on us for total honesty.

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